Entering titles, descriptions, learning goals, and introductions

Editing or creating new text in the editor is similar to using a standard editor. If you are creating a new item, click in the text-editable field and start typing the required information.

  1. Select the default item title, and then delete the text.

    The item Title field opens.

  1. Click the item Title field, and enter a title.
  2. Click the Description field, and enter the item description.

    This description displays below the item title in the library. Students don't see descriptions.

  3. If required, click the addlearningGoal link below the varDefinition link and enter a learning goal for the item.

    The varDefinition link is described in Defining randomized variables with other variables.
  1. Click the Introduction field, and enter an introduction.

    The introduction provides the context of the item. You can format the text, add images, and add animations.